Go Vote for Freedom!

It is no longer a secret that the EU offers many advantages! But in 2019 we are facing the fact that many of us - especially the younger generation - no longer know exactly what the benefits of the EU are. This brings with it a certain skepticism.


Serviceplan Munich


Creative Concept, Visual Design, Art-Direction, Motion Design


April 2019
European Union Design by Philipp Mandler

The Idea

To counter this movement, we are looking for answers in the smallest element of the EU - the stars. They give us an insight into the advantages of the EU, without which we would lead a completely different life.

At the same time, we call on everyone to cast their votes in the 2019 European elections. Because being able to move freely is a privilege: Travel wherever you want and enjoy open borders and spontaneous weekend trips!



To make the freedom of the EU appealing to young people, I designed T-shirts with different motifs. The stars and navigation illustrations are always in the foreground to create a recognition value. In addition, there was also the possibility to design the t-shirts via online configurator.

European Union Fashion Design of Freedom. Our Artwork printed on a t-shirt for our target group
European Union Fashion Design of Freedom. Our Artwork printed on a t-shirt for our target group

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